maandag 5 juli 2010

25. 24 uur in bed
43. Een baan vinden (en hebben) Heb er iig één.. voor een half jaar.. Kiek'n wat word.
56. Catan / Barricade spelen Allebei gedaan :D
67. “50 questions that will free your mind” beantwoorden en Q&A van sh1ft Zie eerdere update
101. Najat schoolboeken terug vragen verandert in: ‘Yes man’ zijn voor 1 week

donderdag 17 juni 2010

67. Answer : “50 questions that will free your mind” and Q&A from sh1ft

Finishing the 50 questions (10 left). Not going to post them all though.. Just these few..
.13 Would you break the law to save a loved one? YES
.20 Do you push the elevator button more than once? Yes. Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? No
.30 What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? Playing with Nardo, the rottweiler of my aunt. Also staying at my aunts and the cousins there. It was just fun, free, warm, loving place. As I remember it.
.42 Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? NO

Than Q&A from sh1ft. There might be more to come. Just have to keep checking the website. For now, these are my answers:

Q&A sh1ft: April 2010
1. What is your favourite part of your home
2. Your favourite number
3. The place that holds the most memories
4. One thing you wish you could do, but can’t
5. One thing you wish you could do, and can
6. Someone you don’t see alot
7. Your favourite piece of clothing
8. What do you see in your future?

1. What is your favourite part of your home

Chill couch

2. Your favourite number
3. The place that holds the most memories
@ my parents

4. One thing you wish you could do, but can’t
Read, speak and understand Chinese

5. One thing you wish you could do, and can

6. Someone you don’t see alot
Favourite cousins Henk en Lilian

7. Your favourite piece of clothing
Erwtensoep team t-shirt

8. What do you see in your future?
QandA Sh1ft: September 2009
1. What is the first thing you see in the morning?
2. The biggest thing to happen to you recently/soon?
3. Your best mirror shot
4. The person that you see the most in a week
5. Your favourite shoes
6. Your favourite meal
7. The colour of your eyes
8. Your favourite place to be on a Friday night

1. What is the first thing you see in the morning?
Alarm on phone

2. The biggest thing to happen to you recently/soon?
Ursa, my first real pet

3. Your best mirror shot
Mirror in Berlin. Simple pizzaria with a kitschy bathroom

4. The person that you see the most in a week
Laura & Brenda

5. Your favourite shoes

6. Your favourite meal
Vegetarian Pho @ Buddhist Temple @ Nha Trang

7. The colour of your eyes
That colour

8. Your favourite place to be on a Friday night

zondag 13 juni 2010


3. Arabisch NGT2 nog een keer doen en NGT3 succesvol afronden

4. Chinees schrijven Met een geweer/pistool leren schieten

6. Graffiti iets spuiten op de muren bij Amersfoort Weten waar alle landen liggen, inclusief nationale vlag en wat feitjes

11. Leren hoe je websites maakt Weten hoe ik vuur moet maken en dit daadwerkelijk doen in een bos of bij kamperen.

18. Hongkong Op vakantie gaan buiten Europa voor minstens 3 dagen

26. Met Henk Naar Oktoberfest in Duitsland gaan en 1 bier doen

27. 2 dagen in de week alleen pc gebruiken voor werk Gebruik computer maximaal 2 uur per dag

43. 1 thuis werk dag aanhouden Een baan vinden (en hebben)

47. Vietnam foto-poster laten maken Keuken + rommelhok naar tuin schoonmaken en (her)organiseren

61. Vrijwilliger worden bij dierenopvang Spullen verkopen (vanuit ‘cleaning rooms’); op een rommelmarkt; weggeven; verkopen via marktplaats; kringloop of weggooien. In die volgorde. Binnen een maand.

62. Beloning / straf bedenken als ik een doel wel / niet doe: => fotoshoot en ik denk dat ik bedoelde: als ik all m’n 101 doelen haal / niet haal.

67. Weer naar Wasteland of zoiets gaan50 questions that will free your mind” beantwoorden en Q&A van sh1ft

69. Bio-eet-avond van San & buren uitnodigen. Als publiek bij een tv programma

86. Naar Bloemendaal + e met Josine (of was het: ‘het bankje’ ) Lijst maken van boeken die ik in de boekenkast heb en niet heb gelezen. Deze lijst lezen.

zondag 6 juni 2010

Okay, so i’m possibly changing stuff on the list :D Those will be in the colour brown. Some.. well okay, most of them I'm not sure yet what I'm changing it into.. I'll keep you posted ;-) Other numbers I have certain thoughts about, or stuff happend that I just want to share. Green is done.

  1. Spanish (again)
  2. Finnish (again)
  3. Arabic
  4. Write Chinese
  5. Both of them are pretty hard. Maybe I’ll change both, maybe I’ll keep one. Most likely I’ll change it to doing NGT2 again and succeed at NGT3.
  6. Play some kind of a Gypsy/Klezmer instrument: guitar/ accordion/ violin/ sax
  7. Laura asked Tobias to give us guitar lessons. Hopefully within this 1001-days we’ll have a go at it.
  8. Painting graffity or something/tag/piece on the walls in Amersfoort
  9. Pass. Not interested in it anymore. Find something else.
  10. Hook (?) and make something usefull with it
  11. Quilting (real)
  12. Do animal-care course
  13. Do car-technical course
  14. Making websites
  15. Passs. Not interested in it anymore. Find something else.

  16. Go on outdoor again, around Gedinne, by car
  17. Limburg
  18. On a boat (min. 2 nights)
  19. So I was on a boat, for 2 days. Spend one night on it, sort of sleeping. I agree it counts :D
  20. Min. 7 days in Nha Trang
  21. Didn’t really stayed for 7 days. Think it was 4.. I agree again that it counts :D
  22. 3 months Finland (camp around/vacation/work)
  23. Min. 5 days alone and this time i have to go to Texel or Ameland.
  24. Hongkong
  25. Hongkong doesn’t seem that interesting anymore, and I’m not really interesed to go to Asia for a couple of years.
  26. Laos
  27. Didn’t go to Laos. Spontaniously went to Cambodja. Again, it counts :D
  28. Ireland
  29. Scottland
  30. With Lotte
  31. Do retraite / monastery thing
  32. Barcelona
  33. Africa => Alaska => 24h in bed
  34. With Henk
  35. Don’t really want to do a vacation with Henk anymore. As long as I do fun stuff with him every couple of months, that’s enough

    FOR A MONTH...

  36. Use pc only for work, 2 days p.w.
  37. No tv for 2 days p.w.
  38. Exercise / go to gym, 2 – 3 x an hour p.w.
  39. Eat take away 1 x p.w.
  40. Go to bed at 22h on workdays (not on Atak- & saturdays)
  41. Get up at 8h on workdays (not on Atakdays & weekend)

  43. Get health checked (blood, heart, lungs, etc)
  44. Let up (helium) balloons: farewell of past/trauma's
  45. Fall in love and vica versa ;)
  46. Okay.. so .. I kinda fell in love. It just wasn’t vica versa.. Keeping it on the list.
  47. Build relationship
  48. 2010 = 85 kg
  49. Do garden en keep it up
  50. Garden is.. well.. was done… It still in reasonable shape I think.. Just need to keep it up. More.
  51. Get new glasses
  52. Get waxed
  53. Get furniture insurance
  54. Finnish toillet-rolls art
  55. Keep 1 work-at-home day
  56. Fix ceiling of shower
  57. Guy came over a couple of times. Fixed it.. Just noticed this week it’s bubbly again :(
  58. Arrange switching of lamps: kitchen <=> toilet
  59. Get dishwasher installed
  60. Arrange Vietnam photo-poster
  61. Didn’t need to arrange it after all. Got an propaganda poster I really like and pinned vietnamese lanternstuff on the wall
  62. Put Vietnam-duster on nice hanger + hook in closet
  63. Do dishes after 2/3 days, for a month
  64. Mop floor
  65. Clean shower 1x p.m. (min. 6 months) (0/6)
  66. And new linen
  67. (Get/) Finnish tattoo and set
  68. Clean closet in hallway and bedroom
  69. Cleaned both of them. It’s just.. now I just need to put the stuff back in, got some boxes out for boobquakeday. Closet in hallway is rearranged. Got to sort out the Margriet’s in it, aka get the recipes out of it.
  70. Buy new couch and wash old cover
  71. OTHER:

  72. Play Catan / Barricade
  73. Read 'Anna Karenina'
  74. Be a blooddonor
  75. Get min. 2 people I know (friend, colleague, family..) to also make a 101 list (0/2)
  76. Clean pc (get rid of docu’s)
  77. Got an external hard drive thingee. Put all my records on it.. Now I only have to delete old document and stuff.. kinda the whole point of 60.
  78. Become a volunteer at the animal shelter
  79. Got myself enrolled.. erm.. and found out some strange people work there. Strange is okay, I can handle strange, I just don’t think that kind of strange will let me enjoy my work at the shelter.. Have to think about it, if I’m gonna leave it like this, of find something else
  80. Think of a reward / punishment when i get / don't get a goal
  81. => Photoshoot and I think I meant when i get / don't get ALL of the 101 goals
  82. Mixmatch socks for 1 week
  83. Let up (helium) balloons: with happy message + ask for reaction
  84. Be vegatarian for half a year (also at my parents!)
  85. Shop in Gronau
  86. Visit wasteland, or something like it, again
  87. Actually I don’t want to do this no more. It’s been fun, done, next! Letting the past be the past.
  88. Cook Vietnamese
  89. Do bio-diner-evening of Sanne & invite neighbours
  90. I’m a little embarrased to say this: I don’t wanna eat with my neighbours… I’ll have to think about something else for this one.
  91. Eat with San, Ger and Elle at 'België' in Utrecht
  92. Eat at '1e kamer' in Groningen
  93. Find good eating-place in Enschede
  94. Meet with Metin
  95. Meet with Renate
  96. Arrange / get something for Renate, Bren and Aaldert as thanks
  97. Get in touch with ex-Zwolle crew 1x a month (mail, phone, letter)
  98. Go to cinema alone
  99. Go to sauna alone
  100. Organise Deafparty
  101. Plug in time-switches
  102. Make blogsite ( + booklet) about 101 and up-date regularly
  103. Read book(s) of Floortje Dessing
  104. Go to musical
  105. Go to ballet/ opera
  106. Visit Madurodam
  107. Do Bloomingdale + e with Josine
  108. Same as 67. Actually I don’t want to do this no more. It’s been fun, done, next! Letting the past be the past.
  109. Build up walking up to 30km
  110. Meditate 2 x p.w. for a month
  111. Pay of car
  112. Visit Essence
  113. Visit Olde Vechte
  114. Visit Terphoes
  115. Go to Sziget on my 30st
  116. It’s gonna be on my 31
  117. Get a library membership
  118. Did it and last week I got a card to continue my membership with another year, but I'm not going to do that.
  119. Go to a Atak meeting (AMO)
  120. End membership with 'community'
  121. Find a good masseuse/whatever and go regulary
  122. Meet with nieces (separatly)
  123. Go somewhere with Renate, maybe +‘co’
  124. Pay Sagar
  125. Ask schoolbooks back from Najat