- Spanish (again)
- Finnish (again)
- Arabic
- Write Chinese Both of them are pretty hard. Maybe I’ll change both, maybe I’ll keep one. Most likely I’ll change it to doing NGT2 again and succeed at NGT3.
- Play some kind of a Gypsy/Klezmer instrument: guitar/ accordion/ violin/ sax Laura asked Tobias to give us guitar lessons. Hopefully within this 1001-days we’ll have a go at it.
- Painting graffity or something/tag/piece on the walls in Amersfoort Pass. Not interested in it anymore. Find something else.
- Hook (?) and make something usefull with it
- Quilting (real)
- Do animal-care course
- Do car-technical course
- Making websites Passs. Not interested in it anymore. Find something else.
- Go on outdoor again, around Gedinne, by car
- Limburg
- On a boat (min. 2 nights) So I was on a boat, for 2 days. Spend one night on it, sort of sleeping. I agree it counts :D
- Min. 7 days in Nha Trang Didn’t really stayed for 7 days. Think it was 4.. I agree again that it counts :D
- 3 months Finland (camp around/vacation/work)
- Min. 5 days alone and this time i have to go to Texel or Ameland.
- Hongkong Hongkong doesn’t seem that interesting anymore, and I’m not really interesed to go to Asia for a couple of years.
- Laos Didn’t go to Laos. Spontaniously went to Cambodja. Again, it counts :D
- Ireland
- Scottland
- With Lotte
- Do retraite / monastery thing
- Barcelona
- Africa => Alaska => 24h in bed
- With Henk Don’t really want to do a vacation with Henk anymore. As long as I do fun stuff with him every couple of months, that’s enough
- Use pc only for work, 2 days p.w.
- No tv for 2 days p.w.
- Exercise / go to gym, 2 – 3 x an hour p.w.
- Eat take away 1 x p.w.
- Go to bed at 22h on workdays (not on Atak- & saturdays)
- Get up at 8h on workdays (not on Atakdays & weekend)
- Get health checked (blood, heart, lungs, etc)
- Let up (helium) balloons: farewell of past/trauma's
- Fall in love and vica versa ;) Okay.. so .. I kinda fell in love. It just wasn’t vica versa.. Keeping it on the list.
- Build relationship
- 2010 = 85 kg
- Do garden en keep it up Garden is.. well.. was done… It still in reasonable shape I think.. Just need to keep it up. More.
- Get new glasses
- Get waxed
- Get furniture insurance
- Finnish toillet-rolls art
- Keep 1 work-at-home day
- Fix ceiling of shower Guy came over a couple of times. Fixed it.. Just noticed this week it’s bubbly again :(
- Arrange switching of lamps: kitchen <=> toilet
- Get dishwasher installed
- Arrange Vietnam photo-poster Didn’t need to arrange it after all. Got an propaganda poster I really like and pinned vietnamese lanternstuff on the wall
- Put Vietnam-duster on nice hanger + hook in closet
- Do dishes after 2/3 days, for a month
- Mop floor
- Clean shower 1x p.m. (min. 6 months) (0/6)
- And new linen
- (Get/) Finnish tattoo and set
- Clean closet in hallway and bedroom Cleaned both of them. It’s just.. now I just need to put the stuff back in, got some boxes out for boobquakeday. Closet in hallway is rearranged. Got to sort out the Margriet’s in it, aka get the recipes out of it.
- Buy new couch and wash old cover
- Play Catan / Barricade
- Read 'Anna Karenina'
- Be a blooddonor
- Get min. 2 people I know (friend, colleague, family..) to also make a 101 list (0/2)
- Clean pc (get rid of docu’s) Got an external hard drive thingee. Put all my records on it.. Now I only have to delete old document and stuff.. kinda the whole point of 60.
- Become a volunteer at the animal shelter Got myself enrolled.. erm.. and found out some strange people work there. Strange is okay, I can handle strange, I just don’t think that kind of strange will let me enjoy my work at the shelter.. Have to think about it, if I’m gonna leave it like this, of find something else
- Think of a reward / punishment when i get / don't get a goal => Photoshoot and I think I meant when i get / don't get ALL of the 101 goals
- Mixmatch socks for 1 week
- Let up (helium) balloons: with happy message + ask for reaction
- Be vegatarian for half a year (also at my parents!)
- Shop in Gronau
- Visit wasteland, or something like it, again Actually I don’t want to do this no more. It’s been fun, done, next! Letting the past be the past.
- Cook Vietnamese
- Do bio-diner-evening of Sanne & invite neighbours I’m a little embarrased to say this: I don’t wanna eat with my neighbours… I’ll have to think about something else for this one.
- Eat with San, Ger and Elle at 'België' in Utrecht
- Eat at '1e kamer' in Groningen
- Find good eating-place in Enschede
- Meet with Metin
- Meet with Renate
- Arrange / get something for Renate, Bren and Aaldert as thanks
- Get in touch with ex-Zwolle crew 1x a month (mail, phone, letter)
- Go to cinema alone
- Go to sauna alone
- Organise Deafparty
- Plug in time-switches
- Make blogsite ( + booklet) about 101 and up-date regularly
- Read book(s) of Floortje Dessing
- Go to musical
- Go to
ballet/opera - Visit Madurodam
- Do Bloomingdale + e with Josine Same as 67. Actually I don’t want to do this no more. It’s been fun, done, next! Letting the past be the past.
- Build up walking up to 30km
- Meditate 2 x p.w. for a month
- Pay of car
- Visit Essence
- Visit Olde Vechte
- Visit Terphoes
- Go to Sziget on my 30st It’s gonna be on my 31
- Get a library membership Did it and last week I got a card to continue my membership with another year, but I'm not going to do that.
- Go to a Atak meeting (AMO)
- End membership with 'community'
- Find a good masseuse/whatever and go regulary
- Meet with nieces (separatly)
- Go somewhere with Renate, maybe +‘co’
- Pay Sagar
- Ask schoolbooks back from Najat
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